In Command brings military experience and skills to the battleground of international business. Our team of former military officers –from Air Marshals, Admirals and Generals to Squadron Leaders, Lieutenant Commanders and Majors bring a wealth of tactical, operational and strategic experience to the business Board and management.
All are proven leaders skilled in human performance, team building and getting the best out of people under the most testing of conditions. The more senior are also skilled in the development of policy and strategy at the highest levels and have held a range of top positions in capitals throughout the world. All have continued their careers in business and understand how business operates.
To complement the military, we team them with business professionals who are experts in their particular field...
This combination of talents offers business leaders a different way of thinking about leadership and critical business issues and produces relevant, challenging programmes for organisations to enhance their competitive advantage in today’s tough commercial environment.
Leaders in Command offers Boards and top management the opportunity to view a range of Critical Business Issues that might be affecting business growth, addressing issues that are impeding peak human performance and Leadership, or issues that might pose a dire threat to corporate reputation.
Our military leaders work with top management view issues through a different lens offer new ways of thinking, deliver new concepts and generate new ideas.
Our international specialist coachers advise top management and help with assessments at operational levels on issues such as Cyber Security, Cross Cultural Relationships, Global Media Handling, Risk and Complexity, Business Ethics, the Impact of Social Media on Corporate Reputation, Mitigating Bribery Fraud & Corruption, or Leadership and Human Performance.
Events in Command offers a bespoke range of military experiences and high level practical training days for businesses seeking to develop the human performance, leadership and teamwork skills of their people. The events are tailored to specific business requirements and could include tough physical terrain courses or aerobatic flying with Ex Red Arrows - to one off private tours and lunch at Westminster with a Member of Parliament.
Speakers in Command provide a range of remarkable military and business professionals who have accomplished truly amazing feats or who are leading experts in their specialisations. These men and women are highly skilled at adapting their presentations to a seminar or conference audience and working with business to ensure delivery of relevant key messages.
Stories from the Fastest Man on Earth (a wing commander in the RAF) or the first lady fast jet pilot or the Commanding Officer of 2PARA are riveting and motivational in many ways. Business experts can advise on the latest regulations in Europe, the threat of Cyber threat on ordinary businesses or how to cope with business life in a stressful world or a data rich environment as do fast Jet pilots.

Strategic Leadership
Chip Chapman CB explains his thoughts on how strategic leadership should be built within organisations.

Ethical Leadership
John Leighton discusses the question and subject of ethics has probably taxed the human race ever since the first early humans banded together to form tribal groups under emergent leaders.
Action Centred Leadership
John Leighton explains why ACL is a functional approach to leadership that provides useful insights as a model
Trait Theory
John Leighton shares why the first step on a leadership journey is to know oneself then the next step is to start to understand some of the leadership theories. The oldest and perhaps best known is the trait theory
Our specialist military and recruitment professionals are adept at analysing military CV’s and matching them with opportunities in business and home and abroad.The skills of the military are acknowledged throughout the corporate world. However, it takes skilled recruitment consultants to make correct assessments and advice corporate business how to best utilise specialist skills for correct placements.
Military skills of leadership, organisation, how to work as part of a team, good communications skills, goal and motivating others to follow it, a highly developed sense of ethics and an ability to stay calm under pressure are all skills that Recruitment in |Command selectors look for.- in candidates and that would be utilised in key vertical sectors