In Command Battlefield Tours are unique experiences run by military leaders and not simply a history lesson.
During stimulating visits our leaders will draw on the historical facts of battles and provide practical illustrations of how The Ten Principles of War were applied to military campaigns.
These Principles date back to the early 12th century and are very relevant to building a framework for strategic leadership resulting in a competitive edge for modern business.
Battle of Britain (UK Tour)
One - Three Day Event
Linked in with a specially approved visit to The Royal Air Force Cranwell Officer Training Centre we continue our Battlefield tour with the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight at RAF Coningsby and the Operations Room Museum. Our expert military advisors will discuss with you how the battle was planned and executed both from the German and the Allied perspectives.
They reveal the mistakes made and the fundamental planning assumptions that led to those mistakes – such as how the integration of the Italian Air Force into the Luftwaffe affected how the Luftwaffe fought.
Comparisons can be made with Cross Cultural Relationship planning and Mergers and Acquisitions with today’s business scenarios.
The Normandy Experience
One - Three Day Event
Day One
Analysing the D-Day campaign in Normandy is an excellent illustration of how the Principles of War were applied.
Travelling to the operational military site of Southwick Park where D-Day was planned and where General Eisenhower set up his headquarters, we pay an exclusive visit to the planning room where the original plywood map is preserved.
The whole planning process involving air-land integration operations was kept totally secret except for Eisenhower’s appointment of Lord Tedder, an RAF Officer, who acted as his deputy and security officer.
Selection and Maintenance of the Aim, and Security and Co-operation were three Principles of War that came into play.
Lunch will be taken in the Officer’s Mess at Southwick Park before catching the Portsmouth ferry to Caen (Ouistreham) where we check into a hotel for an overnight stay.
Day Two
The group will visit Pegasus Bridge where the focus will be on the value of Surprise and Offensive Action – two more of the Ten Principles of War.
Arriving at Omaha Beach our leaders will discuss with you Selection and Maintenance of the Aim, Flexibility, Offensive Action and Maintenance of Morale closely involved in current business scenarios.
The US cemetery at Colville-sur-Mer evokes strong emotions and raises the Principles of War such as Risk and the cost of Success. A visit to Mulberry Harbour encourages discussion on Sustainability, Security, Economy of Effort and Flexibility. Journeying to Point du Hoc raises questions about Concentration of Force, Surprise and Security.
Day Three to replace the existing Day Two
Optional Tours
Travelling to the Pas de Calais area the tour studies the retreat from Dunkirk – Operation Dynamo, and visits to La Coupole or Eperlecques looks at the V1 and V2 campaign against London, and The Amiens Raid with Operation Jericho.
Agincourt is a typical example of how as early as 1415 the Principles of War were applied with lessons to be learned by today’s business leaders.