One or Two Day Event
Located in the Diplomatic centre of Belgravia, the Royal College of Defence Studies is a world renowned educational establishment committed to developing global strategic thinkers and leaders. In an international environment that provides perspectives and insights from across the globe, it inspires study, stimulates thinking and stirs debate on contemporary strategic issues.
Only a few vetted and privileged visitors gain an insight into how this unique institution prepares senior military officers and officials from around the world, and leaders from the private and public sectors, for the highest responsibilities in their respective organisations.
A member of the Senior Directing Staff will present an hour’s overview of the College and may be joined by senior executives from top global businesses who have been selected for this prestigious one year course.
The course, which each year is attended by around 100 senior people from some 50 countries, focuses on defence and international security at the grand strategic (national) level and attracts the very best speakers from the UK and abroad, including Ministers and Heads of State.
The academic programme is divided into four terms and includes trips to Brussels (HQ NATO and the European Commission), various regions of the UK, New York (UN and the Stock Exchange) and Washington DC (Supreme Court, House Armed Services Committee, World Bank, IMF, National Defence University). There is also a selection of 4-week visits to chosen regions of the world, the aim of which is to study, at first hand and from a strategic perspective, the current and future prospects of each country and region visited.
Gain an exclusive insight into the centre of British politics and meet key Government figures. Enjoy rare access to the heart of British politics and lunch with key national policy makers.
A private tour of The Palace of Westminster.
See the House of Commons and the House of Lords in operation.
A special lunch will be arranged for your team with a Member of Parliament. We can arrange for you to be joined for a business lunch by UK Trade and Industry representatives.
Dress in full wet weather gear (provided) to board a rigid inflatable rib similar to the ones used by Special Forces in extreme conditions.
Take in the sights along the most famous waterway in the World in Yamaha high performance engine boats.
Enjoy a 20 minute roller coaster ride – at speeds of 50 knots – to the famous ‘new banking city’ - the iconic Canary Wharf.
Alight at the O2 Millennium Dome and climb up and over to take in the London Skyline with the Olympic Village in the background. The climb takes up to 90 minutes.
Return journey to Westminster in ribs.
Coach from Westminster to Knightsbridge Hotel to change into Black Tie for the evening’s Special Forces liaison.
THE TOWER OF LONDON - with very special guests
A truly exclusive and unique evening you will never experience again.
Dinner in the White Tower at the Tower of London – an unbeatable 1000 year old Royal Palace built on the orders of William the Conqueror in the 12th Century as a fortress.
You will be joined by members of the exclusive Pudding Club which includes past and serving members of the British Armed Forces – many of whom have been involved with Special Forces operations and are highly decorated in recognition of their services – together with prominent individuals from outside the military with similar involvements.
After dinner, gather by Traitor’s Gate to watch the 800 year old tradition of the ceremony of the Keys